WWE 205 Live Results (4/2): Baltimore, MD
The March 19th, 2019 edition of WWE 205 Live takes place at the Royal Farms Arena in Baltimore, MD.
General Manager Drake Maverick addresses the WWE Universe to hype up the cruiserweight title matchup between Buddy Murphy and Tony Nese at Wrestlemania this Sunday. Maverick informs us that Nese and Murphy will both speak later in the evening. He also announces the evening’s card: Kalisto battles Oney Lorcan and rematch between Akira Tozawa vand Mike Kanellis in the main event. Brian Kendrick and Maria Kanellis will be at ringside.
205 Live intro song.
Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness, and Aiden English welcome us to the final 205 Live before Wrestlemania. McGuinness says he cannot wait for Sunday, and repeats Mavericks earlier statement regarding the champion and number one contender addressing the WWE Universe.
Lucha House Party comes out. They thanks the crowd for coming to the show. Lince Dorado says that prior to Wrestlemania, Kalisto will be throwing everyone a special treat by competing. Kalisto gets on the mic himself: “It’s Luchhhhhhha time!” Oney Lorcan is out second.
Oney Lorcan versus Kalisto
Lorcan opens things up with a running uppercut. He lays into Kalisto with a stiff chop before dropping the luchador with a snap-suplex. Lorcan attempts the half-and-half suplex early but Kalisto avoids it. Roll-up from Kalisto…Lorcan escapes. Arm-drag from Kalisto sends Lorcan to the apron. Enziguri sends him to the outside. Back in the ring Kalisto takes Lorcan down with a springboard crossbody. Series of forearms from Kalisto..he charges Lorcan on the ropes…Lorcan back body drops him to the outside. In pursuit…Lorcan tosses Kalisto hard into the barricade.
Kalisto kicks Lorcan in the head as he comes into the ring…Lorcan wears him down with a waist-lock.
Camera cuts to backstage where the champion Buddy Murphy is entering the building. He looks pissed…bumping some strangers in the process.
Back to the matchup. Kalisto with a dropkick…Lorcan responds with a big boot and an uppercut to the back of Kalisto’s head. Stiff chop from Lorcan. Running-knee to the gut. Body-scissor submission. Kalisto tries to escape but Lorcan shifts to a headlock to keep Kalisto grounded. He eventually breaks out…springboard twisting attack from Kalisto. Superkick. Handspring enziguri attempt but Lorcan catches him in the half-and-half…KALISTO LANDS ON HIS FEET. Spike frankensteiner. Cover…Lorcan kicks out. Kalisto goes for the Salida del sol…Lorcan has it scouted…UPPERCUT. Both men on the apron. Lorcan goes for the half-and-half again…Kalisto blocks…superkick. SALIDA DEL SOL ON THE APRON. Both men are down on the outside. Kalisto is able to slowly roll Lorcan inside…pinfall…Lorcan gets a shoulder up!
Kalisto climbs to the top for a moonsault…Lorcan clubs him in the back. Lorcan climbs up as well…Kalisto elbows him off. Kalisto from the top…450 BUT LORCAN GETS THE KNEES UP. Half-and-half. Got em.
Oney Lorcan wins by pinfall.
Commentary reminds us that this is Lorcan’s first win as a member of the 205 Live roster.
Backstage Cedric Alexander asks Drake Maverick why he didn’t get a matchup with Oney Lorcan after asking for it. Maverick says that Alexander has had a string of losses and needs time off to recover. Alexander denies Maverick’s claim, but Maverick insists that Alexander is the franchise player for 205 Live, and he needs him at 100%. Alexander shakes his hand in agreement.
Elsewhere, Tony Nese is being interviewed. Nese says that he doesn’t feel any pressure because nobody expects him to win on Sunday. He says the pressure is all on Murphy.BUDDY MURPHY ATTACKS NESE FROM BEHIND. The two men brawl all over the backstage area. Fight spills into the arena. Referees try to separate them. Crowd cheers “let them fight.” Nese tosses Murphy off the entrance LED board. Running knee from Nese. Murphy is out!
Commercial for NXT Takeover New York.
Highlights of the brawl that just took place between Buddy Murphy and Tony Nese is replayed.
It’s main event time! Mike and Maria Kanellis are out first. Akira Tozawa and Brian Kendrick second.
Mike Kanellis versus Akira Tozawa
Tie-up. Chain wrestling. Kanellis gets to the ropes and the referee separates the competitors. Kanellis lands the first strike with a kick to Tozawa’s gut. He applies a headlock…then runs through Tozawa with a shoulder block. Tozawa bounces off the ropes…Octopus submission applied! Kanellis quickly grabs the ropes. Tozawa stomps Kanellis down in the corner. Axe-handle and chops from Tozawa. Kanellis fires back with an elbow but Tozawa slows him down with a dropkick. Tozawa catches a superkick attempt…Kanellis hits a discuss clothesline before Tozawa can take advantage. Series of stomps sends Tozawa to the outside.
Kanellis drapes Tozawa along the apron…then cracks him with a right haymaker. Back in the ring…Kanellis cranks back on Tozawa’s neck. Vertical suplex from Kanellis. Another. He goes for a third…hits it. Cover…Tozawa escapes with ease. Single-leg dropkick. Kanellis in complete control. Tozawa goes for a frankensteiner but Kanellis counters it into a sit-out powerbomb. Tozawa finally strings some offense together. Frankensteiner sends Kanellis into the middle turnbuckle. Tozawa climbs…missile dropkick! Pinfall…Kanellis gets a shoulder up. Firemans carry from Tozawa….he drops Kanellis on his face. Basement single-leg kick from Tozawa. Big boot…Kanellis catches Tozawa with a pop-up spinebuster! Both men are down.
Kanellis goes for a samoan drop…Tozawa shifts his weight and lands on his feet. Octopus submission again…this time in the center of the ring. Kanellis is able to dead-lift Tozawa…he tosses him over the top and they both hit the arena floor hard. On the outside…Tozawa whips Kanellis into the barricade. Kanellis gets the better of Tozawa….hanging neckbreaker on the outside. Kanellis throws Tozawa back in the ring…he hits Brian Kendrick with a cheap shot. Kanellis climbs to the top…Tozawa meets him up there and goes for a superplex. Kanellis with a firemans carry….Tozawa turns it into a tope rope frankensteiner! Kanellis just kicks out on the pin. Tozawa goes for a German…Kanellis with an elbow. Another. Big chop. Tozawa strikes back. Each man trading shots. Tozawa hits his signature jab. Superkick from Kanellis…pump kick from Tozawa! This is awesome chants begin. Snap-German from Tozawa! He climbs for the senton…but Kanellis knocks him down. Kanellis with the roll-up…he grabs Maria’s hands. Kendrick breaks it up. Tozawa with the roll-up. GOT EM!
Akira Tozawa wins by pinfall.
Tozawa and Kendrick celebrate. Mike and Maria can’t believe it.
A recap of Tony Nese’s journey through the championship tournament is replayed, and his now feud with former friend, cruiserweight champion Buddy Murphy ahead of their Wrestlemania title match.
That’s the show friends.
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