Smart ways to save power

April 3, 2020 0 By HearthstoneYarns

Smart ways to save power

Telecom network operators give their view on how to make energy efficient.

11/25/09, 11:00 PM CET

Updated 4/12/14, 6:44 PM CET

Your report on energy efficiency looked at the role of information communication technology (ICT) in the context of the electricity grid (“A smart approach to generating power”, 12-18 November). As representatives of telecommunications network operators, we would like to amplify what we see as the role of ICT.

The European Commission has made clear that the ICT sector should lead the change towards an energy-efficient economy. We are up to that challenge and believe that ICT could contribute to saving 15% of annual emissions globally in 2020, as suggested in the Climate Group’s SMART 2020 report.

To gain the traction and momentum needed for an undertaking of this size and urgency, policymakers can help us in two ways. One is to provide a clear policy pathway; the other is a commitment to focus on solutions that are already deliverable.

Policy-wise, we need a sustainable regulatory framework for private-sector investment into next-generation access networks, which will be a key enabler of energy-efficiency measures across the economy. That framework needs to balance the risk and return on investment (the investment needed is estimated at €300 billion).

As for deliverable solutions, the focus should be on applying ‘smart’ technology in the building, transport and logistics sectors, where, as the Commission recognises, emissions-reduction potential is huge.

Europe also needs to encourage: e-commerce and ‘dematerialisation’; teleconferencing (a 20% growth in use in Europe could reduce emissions by 22 million tonnes a year); cloud computing; e-medicine and e-education.

Europe could encourage take-up through measures such as lowering VAT rates for broadband subscriptions and giving tax incentives to upgrade technology.



Michael Bartholomew


European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association
