Registration 34th IAF World Fashion Convention now open!

March 22, 2019 0 By HearthstoneYarns

The IAF and Modint are proud to announce that the registration for the IAF’s 34 th World Fashion
Convention to be held October 8 th -10 th in Maastricht, the Netherlands is open. You can now find all
information you need and also register for the event, the partner program and the study tour
through the dedicated event website

Traditionally, the quality of the conference program is high, featuring a mix of c-level speakers from
brands, retailers, manufacturers,associations and top class suppliers to the industry. Previous
speakers came from a.o. PVH, H&M, Hugo Boss, Desigual, Disney, VF, Zegna, Esquel and Escada, as
well as McKinsey, BCG, the ILO, the World Bank and the OECD. This year, we already have
confirmation of speakers from Puma, Hugo Boss, the London College of Fashion and LeverStyle, with
many top speakers to be announced.

IAF Conventionsreceive on average 300 delegates, usually coming from over 20 countries around the
world. This 34 th edition will carry the theme: ‘Building a Smart Future for Fashion’. In a world where
prices cannot drop much lower, boats cannot go much faster and people cannot work much harder,
improvements are made only when the business is made smarter.

The Convention will be hosted in Maastricht’s Crowne Plaza Hotel. Maastricht is a unique city in the
Netherlands and a very suitable backdrop for the IAF’s World Fashion Convention. It is located almost
right on both the German and the Belgian borders (as well as on the French language border). The
result is the Netherlands’ most European city; a beautiful and pleasant town with a high end,
innovative (fashion) retail environment in which both large international fashion retail chains, but
also many smaller boutiques thrive.

IAF members, and companies that are member of IAF member associations, booking their tickets
before July 1 st are eligible for the reduced delegate fee of € 495 a ticket. For non-members, the early
bird rate is € 795. After June 30 th rates will rise with € 200. Be in time and book your tickets now!