Low Ki vs MVP Set For Super Fight at MLW ‘Zero Hour’ Event in January

September 23, 2021 0 By HearthstoneYarns

The following press release has been issued:

ORLANDO – One of the most dangerous fighters in the world will once again step foot in a Major League Wrestling ring on January 11th in Orlando.  MLW has come to terms with Black Friday Management to present a super fight at MLW: Zero Hour at Gilt Nightclub featuring MVP vs. Low Ki.

At MLW: Never Say Never (available for free) Stokely Hathaway, Black Friday Management boss, revealed that he had brokered a super fight for MLW’s January 11th Orlando event.
Hathaway, in the midst of a contract dispute with MVP, has inked a match pitting Black Friday charter member Low Ki versus MVP. “Retribution is coming, MVP,” stated Mr. Hathaway during a press conference.
You can learn more about Black Friday Management at: http://www.blackfridaymanagement.com.
Tickets are on sale now at http://mlwzerohour.eventbrite.com for MLW’s return to Orlando this January 11th.
MLW: Zero Hour will emanate from Gilt Nightclub in Orlando, which hosted MLW: Never Say Never.
Ticket prices range from $15-$45 with a limited number of “Golden Ticket” VIP Packages also available.
The following wrestlers are also confirmed for the MLW: Zero Hour event:
•Matt Riddle
•Jimmy Havoc
•Darby Allin
•Jeff Cobb
•“Filthy” Tom Lawlor
•Shane “Swerve” Strickland
•Seth Petruzelli
•Sammy Guevara managed by Salina de la Renta
•Jimmy Yuta
•Jason Cade
•Barrington Hughes
More matches and wrestlers will be announced in the coming days and weeks at MLW.com.

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