Los Angeles becomes the biggest US city to ban fur

March 22, 2019 0 By HearthstoneYarns

Los Angeles has followed San Francisco’s footsteps and passed an ordinance to ban the production and sale of fur in the city from 2021. The ban applies to all apparel and accessories items.

“This arcane and inhumane practice must end today. We said, loud and clear, fur will not have a future in Los Angeles”, said councilmember Bob Blumenfield, who authored the law, in a statement. “I am proud that our city made a giant step in ending the unnecessary killing of animals”.

The announcement comes just one week after the city hosted the world’s first vegan fashion week, an event looking to promote cruelty-free brands from around the world. “Los Angeles could be the capital for high-end ethical fashion. I believe we could be the ethical avant-garde sector”, Vegan Fashion Week founder Emmanuelle Rienda told FashionUnited during the event.

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