In Pictures: Hunter launches first flying welly

March 22, 2019 0 By HearthstoneYarns

No, this isn’t an April fools’ joke, Hunter has launched its largest
experiential campaign with the world’s first ever flying Wellington boot,
which will be touring the globe appearing at festivals, sporting events,
shows and other key outdoor calendar moments.

The giant 120-foot wellington boot shaped hot-air balloon kicked off the
global tour from Hunter’s birthplace in Scotland and will embark on a world
tour to reflect the brand’s position as an iconic British export.

‘The Original Flying Boot’, which carries all the Original boot’s design
details, including reference to the 28-part handcrafted construction of
each pair, will travel down to London in July before then heading over to
Europe, to appear at major events in countries including Spain, Italy and

It will then return to tour the UK touching down at key festivals and
events throughout the summer, before crossing the Atlantic to complete a US
tour in the autumn, to engage Hunter’s largest overseas market.

The experimental campaign will be supported with a social media
competition, where “boot spotters” that post pictures of the hot air
balloon boot using the #HunterOriginal hashtag will enter the chance to win
Hunter prizes.

Looking for a job at Hunter?

Images: courtesy of Hunter