Eminem launches capsule collection with Rag & Bone

March 22, 2019 0 By HearthstoneYarns

US rapper Eminem is to launch a capsule clothing collection in
partnership with the New-York label Rag & Bone. The pieces will be unveiled
at a one-day pop-up store at London’s The Sun & 13 Cantons Pub. After the
official launch, they will be available for purchase at Rag & Bone’s

”Eminem is a legend, it’s as simple as that. We have spent
years working to collaborate with true originals, people who have forged
their own path in life. For me Eminem utterly personifies ‘original’.
Working with him on this project was humbling, inspiring and generally
awesome”, said Marcus Wainwright, Rag & Bone’s CEO and Creative Director,
in a statement published on the company’s website.

The collection is set to include
Eminem’s signature hoodies and T-shirts. Prices were not yet

Picture: Rag & Bone website