Calling Young Accessory Designers

November 4, 2019 0 By HearthstoneYarns

This year Clothes Show London and the Fashion and Textile Museum are teaming up to launch the ‘Young Accessory Designer of the Year’ awards. For the new competition they are looking for young accessory designers, which is taking place at Earls Court 25-27 June 2010.

The competition is open to aspiring designers who have been trading for fewer than three years, providing a platform for young designers and their businesses in this highly competitive industry. The new award in partnership with the FTM, challenges designers to create an accessory product that encompasses the FTM’s brand values and is suitable for sale in the FTM’s shop and the FTM’s online boutique.

The winner will also has the chance to receive six months business support with industry advisors to help set up and develop their business and make it sustainable. Their winning design will be displayed at Clothes Show London and may go on to be launched and sold in the [email protected] In addition, the victor will be invited to the Private View of the forthcoming Horrockses Fashions: Off the Peg style of the 40’s and 50’s exhibition and will be offered a place on FTM’s professional CAD short course.

FTM’s Commercial Director, Alison Lewy and Managing Director of Clothes Show London, Gavin Brown, will judge all entries. The winner will be announced at an impressive awards ceremony in Clothes Show London’s spectacular Fashion Theatre at London’s Earls Court on Saturday 26th June.

Gavin Brown, Managing Director of Clothes Show London comments: “Clothes Show London intends to develop a variety of initiatives to help develop new talent. The launch of Young Accessory Designer of The Year in association with the Fashion and Textile Museum is the latest in our schedule of planned activity and will be followed by other projects to encourage creativity.”

Image: Fashion and Textile Museum