Trump Shut Down White House Comment Line, So This Tool Lets You Call One of His Businesses to Complain

September 30, 2020 0 By HearthstoneYarns

The digital team behind Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential primary run, Revolution Messaging, has launched a creative way for people to lodge complaints against the right-wing Trump administration while calling attention to the president’s continued refusal to fully divest from his business empire.

“Foreign leaders and Wall Street executives know that if they want to reach out to our President, they can just connect with his business associates. Now the American people have a direct line to Trump too.”

Visitors to are asked for their phone number and then connected with a Trump property. “You may be asked to make a reservation or a tee-time, but tell management that until Trump steps away from his businesses for real, their property is no different from the Oval Office and you want to talk about the issues that matter most,” the website reads. 

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