Month: March 2020


Getty #EuropeanCommissionMIA POLITICO analyzes the institution’s best and worst tweeters. By Zoya Sheftalovich 7/2/15, 6:01 PM CET Updated 7/2/15, 6:07 PM CET With 140-character fiery outbursts between politicians juxtaposed against sudden demonstrations in Syntagma Square, the Greek crisis has reinforced how dramatically Twitter has changed the mode, speed and tenor of le monde politique. Then,…

By HearthstoneYarns March 1, 2020 0

MEPs dig their heels in over Oettinger

It’s hardly the orderly transition of power Jean-Claude Juncker might have hoped for. The president of the European Commission’s plan to install Günther Oettinger as European commissioner for budget and human resources following the resignation of Vice President Kristalina Georgieva is caught in a political firestorm. Oettinger’s use of the term “slant eyes” in reference to the Chinese, the latest in…

By HearthstoneYarns March 1, 2020 0

EU risks being sidelined in Paris climate pact

Click:mining equipment French Minister for Environment, Energy and Marine Affairs, Ségolène Royal, with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon | Albin Lohr-Jones/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images EU risks being sidelined in Paris climate pact Internal politics threaten to create difficulties in ratifying the agreement. By Kalina Oroschakoff 4/21/16, 5:15 PM CET Updated 5/10/16, 3:04 PM CET…

By HearthstoneYarns March 1, 2020 0